I need assistance with a getting started

I have been interested in embroidery and now I want to take it up a notch. I need a embroidery machine that will make hats and shirts for athletic teams and their parents. If all goes well this will branch soon into my own business as I scale up with marketing and advertising.

What machine is a good place to start for a lot of hats, some t-shirts and at a good price? Also any advice?

United States
Robert Young's picture

Personally I never have done hats since the old days of actually making them at Radio Cap a Norwood company... just not enough profit IMO for a singlehead to make sense. If I may offer one piece of advice it would be to sit down and actually write up a business plan. (I KNOW< CRAZY) but the process actually makes you think about things you are not. There are online sites that walk you through this process. Think of it as "TurboTax" but for business startups. They ask the questions and you fill in the blanks. Hey you don't know what you don't know. no worries.

Wish you the best but why buy a machine off the bat? Why not sell and subcontract until you have enough business that it Totally makes sense that you need your own machine?

After that visit an ISS show so you can try out machines for free and make your own mind up what to purchase.

Modern Embroidery Designer