Automatic Press Wanted

If anyone has any automatic press's for sale or know someone contact me with the information. Looking to stay under 50k for a package deal if the equipment is right. Also, the equipment will need to be shipped.

If your selling any m&r flash units or conveyors "electric" please contact me and i'll buy it immediately if it's in good condition.


Mike Gee
Shop: 678-696-5155
Cell: 678-343-0530

2001 Anatol Trident SVX 10/12 Automatic Screen Press. (14ft wide) 10 color / 12 station
Partial Pneumatic with Servo Indexing.
Power is 220V /25A/ 1 phase.

Anatol Mariah I 48" Natural Gas Conveyor Dryer. 25 feet long 220V / 10A
3 phase. Built Feb 2001.

Equipment is used. I had a technician from Anatol (the people who make the machines) come out and set up and check the equipment and he said everything was good and ready to run. I personally don’t know how to use them. But I have both of the machines manuals on how to work the machines etc. If you have any questions or concerns or offers contact me by the following...

Looking for 8,000 for the press 7,000 for dryer...



TEXT or call 574-343-7282