Do you offer free designs?

Robert Young's picture

Question... do you offer free designs? Not just for new client promotional opportunities but for existing clients?

As an example we recently had a client whose client hadn't a clue what they wanted. Our client new this was a potential big fish so we offered 4 versions of their design (our choice) at the price of one. They (the client's client) picked two! win win.

Do you offer free samples?

Please tell of success or failure stories.

Modern Embroidery Designer

I don't offer free designs, as such, but if I feel there is a more interesting (better for client?) way of doing the design I will digitize a few options and send the screen shots to the client.
I have just finished stitching an astronomy design where the background is a low-density curved fill in a silver/black twist thread. The planets are done in luminous thread, and the word "STARS" in metallic gold.
Doing biker patches I like to incorporate reflective tape as an applique somewhere in the design - to make them more visible at night.

Robert Young's picture

Wow AlisonB! that should be in the thread: "do you ever digitize anything for fun"! Personally I have never had a client that would use reflective tape as an applique but the idea is fantastic. The best I have been able to get a client to approve is using fishing line for car lights and windshields. One time they actually put little battery operated lights through the back so the headlights were active under the fishing line.

Modern Embroidery Designer