M&R Large Format Screen Printing Graphic Equipment - $26000 (Houston)

uzmarketing's picture
Houston, TX, United States

We have a few M&R Saturn Press that we use to print signs, 18x24 and 24 x 18 coroplast . And we purchased this setup to print 4x8 (48" x 96") sheets for our campaign customers, political signage. it's good money if you have the space for it. we're selling it because this target is too seasonal for us.

I want to sell this as a package (everything you would need to start producing 4x8'ft sheets)

- M&R LS 52148
- M & R Sentry Take-off
- M&R Vitran UV Dryer
- DOUTHITT Magic 83 exposure unit
- Backlit washout booth
- 1 frame est 52" x 148" will be included

We have a forklift on site so we can certainly help with loading. however you are responsible to take care of the loading.

Feel free to text me at 832-889-2259 . Serious inquiry only please.

UZ Marketing | 5900 Bingle Rd., Houston TX 77092 | UZmarketing.com

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