So this product was working fine for 5 months, I had to move it to my home due to financial issues. It was working fine but once I moved it into my house the first task did two things that has never happened to me (ref. photos 1 and 2 on IMGUR). It gave me this error so I tried it again and then it went to a windows desktop screen. I have never seen anything like this on this system. It looks like the system closed out and I deleted itself? I have no clue what happened but now whenever I try to boot the system it comes with this (ref. video [media clip #3] on IMGUR). The system basically just black screens and doesn't display any sort of error code after booting the bios. I don't have the installation floppy or anything so even if I could install something I cannot do it anymore. I don't know if I even can install anything. I'm just so lost and I don't know what direction to head. If you have had this issue please elaborate, any information helps!! Thank you
TLDR: Machine had errors show up while a task were running and now black screens after BIOS screen shows up after boot. Doesn't run any further. Please help.
Re: Tajima TFMX-C1501 Black Screen Issues