Not to ruffle feathers, BUT M&R vs. MHM

Ok, so my SERIOUS intention is NOT to start a mud slinging fest here. I have a feeling that is what it will bring, so I apologize a head of time but I would really like to get some info and opinions. I believe M&R makes a great press, everyone says their service is the best. In the current economy, I like the fact they support many jobs in the US. So now all that is said people will not think I am attempting to bash M&R.
My question is; what machine does M&R sell that competes with or is comparable to the MHM X-Treme. The print size of roughly 20x28" is important. The head/print arm high lift for cleaning/inspecting is also important.
The M&R website is fancy and informative, but I have a difficult time differentiating between the presses. It seems like each machine has 3 or 4 versions.

So simple equation.... MHM X-Treme = M&R ???

I know everyone is going to break down the "service" and "parts" ect. But I know all that. All I am looking for is which press is the most comparable.

Thank you.

Favorite phrase when people find out you are a screen printer-
"Oooooooo, you print shirts? That must be fun!"
If they only knew!

Renagade wrote:
I think this is a classic case where you misinterpreted what was typed!

Since you assume this is Barnes we will assume that you are Hoffman.

FACT: Renagade is Robert Barnes

no one important wrote:
So you are saying we should never fly on an Airbus plane because they are outdated planes??? Nice try Buckwheat. Keep trying Mr. can spin & spin and spin, but you can't make gold out of straw. Dates on videos...that one is really weak, but keep trying!

I think this is a classic case where you misinterpreted what was typed!

Since you assume this is Barnes we will assume that you are Hoffman.

sellerbuyer wrote:
FACT: Renagade is Robert Barnes

I thought that was kind of obvious, but I can confirm that is accurate, as he sent me a few PM's to that effect...

Favorite phrase when people find out you are a screen printer-
"Oooooooo, you print shirts? That must be fun!"
If they only knew!

The Bumper's picture

If you are thinking of purchasing any type of screen printing equipment, I highly advise you to stay clear of Robert Barnes from Spider Machines. He sells Printex,Mustang Printers and has several business fronts.

Since your purchase is going to be a very big decision, I recommend that you research Robert Barnes so that you can see for yourself, that he has not only stolen from printing companies, but has also sold equipment falsely advertised as well as not working properly, or not even delivered the equipment.
Below is a quick copy and past of a few members here on this forum that will honestly tell their story of how Robert Barnes has ripped them off. I suggest that you take a few moments to read it, and if you follow up by contacting these people, they will surely convince you not to do business with him or his company!

Robert Barnes goes by many alias' on this forum...more than can be counted.
Ask the following people on this forum about their experience with Robert Barnes, or private message me here!

Andrew at Printex EU (Andrews cell Number in Poland) 01148 668 136 652 This guys says that Robert Barnes owes Printex EU a lot of $$$

Call any or all three people below to see how Robert Barnes took money from them without delivering equipment!
Leon Monfort (760)802-6315
Jeff Saxby 563-593-4654
Andrew @ Printex EU 01148 668 136 652

Renagade wrote:
Are you saying that the MHM customers that have had to replace the main shaft on there machines are happy? If so, that is great news! The guy in the Pittsburgh rea hade to spend almost $10,000 dollars to have his fixed, but if he had the main shaft the next day from Europe, now that is some service!

There is another MHM with a shaft problem in Michigan!!!

Renagade wrote:
Tell us this Pierre, why is it that people are not allowed to speak the truth on this forum or your forum or any other forum in our industry?

Truth? You can't handle the truth!

Though I hardly ever get involved in this nonsense, and may not even be around to see the results, I can answer this a bit, since I am involved in Pierre's forum, and am the one who posted our mission and policy statement back in the days we were just getting going, and of course, it's not about censoring the truth. It is all about providing and keeping the forum a friendly place for a free flowing exchange of help and camaraderie. not the disruptive attacks by RWB, his small band of henchmen (and women) and of course, his 100+ aliases over the years.
Newcomers may not know the history, or the reason behind the establishment of TheShirtBoard. It was born out of frustration and the need for some to get away from the crap so common on the industry forums of the day! And in so doing, not helping the perpetrators of the crap, deceit and eventual outright theft actually profit via the forum, hence the "censorship". Its first few weeks, it was even known as the No RWB Forum.

As written back in 2011, soon after The ShirtBoard was up and running (as NoRWB)
Recently, this forum has come under attack by both enemies attempting to disrupt the proceedings, and competition editorializing elsewhere about our bias and discrimination.
What they fail to mention or perhaps even realize, is that yes, we do, by choice, discriminate, plain and simple.
There is a small group of people with a history of Industry Forum disruption and even systematic destruction.
We have lost great resources. Some of these same folks go so far as to even brag about reshaping the industry to their vision.
If we have anything to say about it, it won't happen here! Taking this one step further, the individual and business interests of these same folks will not be advanced here either.
The bottom line is no one is forced to come here. Those that do, generally arrive with their eyes wide open, and perfectly aware of our position, and in fact appreciate this place as a welcome relief from the storm. Those who don't are not held captive. There are forums for them as well.
As for our policy of preemptive banning, it is not dissimilar to the common and even expected practice of not allowing known pedophiles to work in areas frequented by children.
For us it is just common sense, something, apparently not too common in some other places, where sense may sometimes also come into question.

As time goes by, the name will change, the "discriminatory" logo may disappear, but the guidelines will not. Therefore, reminders of who we are, and what we have here will be necessary.
There may be mentions of the unmentionable, and reminders that this is not a bash board either, as this is not meant as a hangout for "haters", but as mentioned before, more of a shelter.
Snide comments will probably sneak through, but I suggest that they remain extremely obtuse, as they will be subject to deletion or modification.
We don't want to garner the reputation of the board of censorship, but we don't want to antagonize our opposition either.

Play nice! where Screen Printers and Embroiderers talk about putting stuff on shirts with minimal drama, and without the distraction of trolls. "Biased" for a reason.

How does a main shaft go bad? All that I know of that question would be improper maintenance. I know on our press , we over grease it and keep it lubbed to the gills, how does it work on the MHM, you have to grease it too? Or does it have sealed bearings? Just curious, also how many impressions are on the machines with the bad shafts and how old are they. 5 million impressions on any poorly maintained machine could have any type of issue right? Could be a lemon issue though, I don't know, just curious. Sorry to the original poster for how this thread has gotten highjacked. If I had any part of that, I apologize, I was just merly expressing our experience in the equipment buying/owning/operating realm. Hope everyone has a great week!

PS. Alan knows I think his press is a very nice machine, like a few other machines out there, my opinions were based on what we felt comfortable with for service and reliability, for us. Any machine, that runs all day, and makes the print shop money is a good machine in my book, the rest is buyer preference, I personally prefer M&R and the service and product we have received.

screenprintguy wrote:
How does a main shaft go bad? All that I know of that question would be improper maintenance. I know on our press , we over grease it and keep it lubbed to the gills, how does it work on the MHM, you have to grease it too? Or does it have sealed bearings? Just curious, also how many impressions are on the machines with the bad shafts and how old are they. 5 million impressions on any poorly maintained machine could have any type of issue right? Could be a lemon issue though, I don't know, just curious. Sorry to the original poster for how this thread has gotten highjacked. If I had any part of that, I apologize, I was just merly expressing our experience in the equipment buying/owning/operating realm. Hope everyone has a great week!

PS. Alan knows I think his press is a very nice machine, like a few other machines out there, my opinions were based on what we felt comfortable with for service and reliability, for us. Any machine, that runs all day, and makes the print shop money is a good machine in my book, the rest is buyer preference, I personally prefer M&R and the service and product we have received.

There are factors outside of just grease that can leave a customer getting the SHAFT

If the shaft is out of round, tapered, etc. it wouldn't matter how much grease you will have an issue at some point for sure.

There are other factors that can cause this shaft to bushing issue as well and that is machining finish, example: if the bronze bushings have a rough surface during machining the machine will print good for awhile

Yes, my shaft is bigger than yours LOL

inkman996 wrote:
Maybe the shaft was machined out of tolerance to start or the machine was not plumb and it wore unevenly through use.

See, we did teach you something, even a monkey can learn about presses :p LOL

Thanks for the elaboration, guess it's a good thing that my shaft is plumb. Now if that doesn't sound odd, I don't know what does. So basically, this is an issue that can happen to anyone, any brand, and only time will tell?

Renagade wrote:
See, we did teach you something, even a monkey can learn about presses :p LOL

I worked on machines long before screen printing. You should see what happens when a 60lb molder head is spun up to thousands of PRMs and either the bore in the head is out or the shaft is out, there is a reason large scale molding machines are fully encased.

screenprintguy wrote:
Thanks for the elaboration, guess it's a good thing that my shaft is plumb. Now if that doesn't sound odd, I don't know what does. So basically, this is an issue that can happen to anyone, any brand, and only time will tell?

It all down to commitment, 2M has made a commitment to ship only the best screen printing machines to the world, where other companies are focused more on how many they ship per day

You are probably a little guy who might have 250,000 impressions on your press, so just keep grease on it and you will statistically be fine

Well, I'm not so little, hahaha, but our company is only 6 years old and growing, yes as shops go, we are a smaller shop, you know that, you've been here, but it's nice to know when you are treated just as if you are one of the big shops. All big shops started out somewhere, it's nice to have bridges built for the future, Just saying =)

screenprintguy wrote:
Well, I'm not so little, hahaha, but our company is only 6 years old and growing, yes as shops go, we are a smaller shop, you know that, you've been here, but it's nice to know when you are treated just as if you are one of the big shops. All big shops started out somewhere, it's nice to have bridges built for the future, Just saying =)

You are now officially a Blue Baller carry your sack with pride :p LOL

Just wanted to post this video of the Mustang being machined, glad to see M&R following Mustang's lead

Spider Machines How-to - Mustang Machining - How it Works - YouTube

That was an impressive video, that right there shows exactly why M&R has a higher price tag. I guess Rich does not have to worry about that illusive stacking effect that RWB always talks about happening at that Printex closet in Poland lol.

inkman996 wrote:
That was an impressive video, that right there shows exactly why M&R has a higher price tag. I guess Rich does not have to worry about that illusive stacking effect that RWB always talks about happening at that Printex closet in Poland lol.

Did you see the Mustang machining video, the 2M machining table is much bigger.

Yes, ours is bigger than theirs :p

ExtremeScreen's picture

We run 2 mhm autos, 1 is a 6 color etype and the second press is
A 14/16 mhm 4000 with auto reg. Now the Etype we print 20x25 inches all day
Long with really good coverage around seams. The X type has the same heads and support as the 4000 so I see no issues with it not being beefy enough. Mhm service has been great,
In 5 years we have lost no more than a couple hours. If I was in the market for a new press and I didn't have MHM machines already I would look at the challenger 3. The problem with the MHM 4000 14/16 is it will only print around 650 an hour with a 50% stroke speed on a 16 inch tall image, it's ok for us because we do alot of 2-300 piece runs 10-12 colors oversize but I had no idea it was so slow. The etype will print 1200 per hour easy. The biggest benefit to the MHM 4000 is the auto reg. you can pull a guy off the street and he can register a 10 color job and get it dead on with ease. I don't post here much but I feel that MHM has a bad rap from the past and things have changed so anyone looking for a press needs to just see both in action. Better yet I would setup a job on both presses, I'm sure there are shops that would allow you to setup one of there jobs so you can see first hand.

Screen Printing At It's Best

Ghostwork Ink's picture

our shop has both an MHM E-Type from 2008 and a 2012 M&R Sportsman, Typically when people see the MHM they dont even look at the M&R due to the way it looks.. I like to say the M&R is a Chevy and the MHM is a Porsche


alclpost wrote:
I'm not a collector, I'm just in the last stages of buying a new press. I figured before I pulled the trigger on one I would see what was equivalent from M&R since everyone raves about them so much. I didn't want to talk with the local rep because I do not care for him all that much. I was looking for a wide range of input so I hit up the forum....

I am not in a position to offer an opinion on your question, however let me make a suggestion. Before you buy but please look at the Falcon E that Workhorse sells. I recently purchased a 10-12 and it is one fantastic machine. I believe it will print a 28 inch image even tho I do not print that size. You will find the price and service attractive as well.
