Older Workhorse Chopper Issues

I have a Javelin that originally had V squeegees. I converted 2 heads to choppers. One head had issues after about 6 months, the other had issues after a couple years. The issue is the small retaining plate below the adjustment knobs have broken. Out of 8 knobs, 5 have now broken. Workhorse won't replace them, they claim I have to buy new choppers. Any suggestions? Anyone else had these issues? See pics included.

I have the retro fit chopper also for about a year and a half. I checked mine and don't see any problems but that BS they won't help you.

Use triple durometer squeegees and go back to the flipper style change them out (by flipping to another side edge ) about every two months and you'll have the cleanest sharpest prints their are not to mention the sharp hard durometer squeegee is what pushes the ink through. Its a secret....