OLEC Exposure Lamp 5 Kw

Indianapolis, IN United States

OLEC Exposure Lamp, 5,000 watt
Point Light Source, Metal Halide
Printon Integrator, 31 Channel
Photocell built in lamphead, PA89
NEW L-1250 Bulb, Combo Diazo Photopolymer
220v, 1 Ph., 26 amps

Asking $2750, FOB IN, zip 46112
Unit Reconditioned, Cleaned, Tested, New floorstand

Also have Polycop Vacuum frame, 50x60", 115v. pump
Asking $2250, FOB IN.

E mail for pics, complete specs. Unit in xlt. condition.
We have other good used graphics eqpt. E for list.

QUEST Graphics
Jon Andresen

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