Olec Olite AL53 Metal Halide Hanging Exposure Unit 5kw

Honesdale, PA 18431, PA, United States

Olec Olite AL53 Metal Halide Hanging Exposure Unit 5kw $850 OBO

The leading high-intensity light source offering fast, efficient and exceptionally uniform exposures for sharp, durable stencils. A major Olite advantage is the computer-designed reflector. It assures uniform coverage without fall-off over large frames, eliminating hot spots. In addition, it solves the problem of light undercutting, along with the unit’s targeted “Spectramatch” (360 to 420 nanometers) bulbs and high intensities. The special Olite reflector spreads the light in a parallel pattern (collimates) instead of diffusing it like other units.

Compact, easy and economical to use. Service-free rotary shutter. Efficient CW (consistent wattage) ballasts for high UV output with the lowest power consumption. No startup surges and low stand-by power. Fast start and restart. Long equipment life and consistent exposures maintained through controlled electronic cooling and protective circuitry. Regardless of bulb age or exposure distance, Olix Advanced Integrators assure consistent exposure times. Instead of metering seconds or minutes, the vacuum frame-mounted photocell measures the amount of light-energy output.

Serigraph Factory - Used Screen Printing Equipment

Phone: 1-570-647-0644
Email: Brian@serigraphfactory.com

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