Over the shoulder

I have a design that I want to print that will go from the front over the shoulder and onto the back of the shirt.... does anyone know how to do this?

Greg hamrick's picture

Most of those types of prints are done before the shirt is sewn together. You can do it if you don't care to have a bit of space between the front and back along the top of the shoulder where the two halves meet.
Just cut a piece of smooth plywood into the shape of the shirt and make your artwork to match the piece. Stretch the shirt over the board and print the front, run it through the dryer, then do the same on the other side with the back piece of artwork.
It's time consuming, and you'll have that 1/8 inch seam, but it will still look great.

Good Luck.......


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.