please help!!

i have red 100percent polyester jersey's that turned my white vynal pink when i pressed it how do i fix the dye migration. is there a special vynal i should use ?

some times it is a really problem, who can solve it?

Take and wash your jersey a couple times to get rid of the excess dye. Then try another transfer, that should do the trick with inexpensive jerseys.

Red is the worst, but you may have the same issue on black, navy, and other dark colors. There is a product on the market with a thin metal film to prevent the dye transfer.. .I think it is called Sub Stop, but I'm not sure which vendor we buy it from. It's even more expensive though, and it will pretty much dull your blade.

Stahl's has a product called sub block and you can buy it buy the roll and print your own images (with an eco solvent printer), or you can send your image to stahl's and they will print and cut for you.