Please help.. TAJIMA & SWF Embroidery Question???

This is my first time coming here. I am in Thailand. I am interested in 6-head Tubular / single-head EMBORIDERY machines for doing a small business in my home-town. I am not in this business before.

After getting some info from a SWF sale representative, I don't understand why the price of SWF is almost the same price as the TAJIMA, in Thailand. Just a little different for the price. SWF have just come for 5 yrs ago, TAJIMA have been in Thailand for a long time.

I would like to know about compared quality between both. What do you chose? If everyone here help me, it will be great. Please give me your suggestions as a new comer.

Thanks in advance


Sombatma, go with the Tajima and you will not regret it. I don't know why the SWF machine you're looking at is almost the same price as the Tajima in your country, but here in the US and in Canada, Tajima machines are more expensive. Tajima machines are built better and have user-friendly control panels in my opinion. Tajima and Barudan have a long history of being the leaders in the industry and that's why people are willing to pay more because they know they are getting the best.

The only advantage I feel an SWF has over a Tajima is the price, but if their price is close to Tajima then their advantage is gone.