By chadandbrandy on
Aug. 11, 2012
All, I am new the the forum so thanks in advance for your support. When I turn on my 2003 SWF 601T it goes the Power Error Menu. I was doing a trim and messed up the locoation, so scrapped the piece and restarted the machine, since then always starts up to this menu.
I get three options:
Tim Key
Org Key
Org key makes the run a pattern that runs the arm into the head as its looking find home position.
Trim Key and Previous just give a "Run Stop" screen error.
How do I reset the machine? Any ideas?
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
Reinstall the system disk.
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
I bought the machine used, where can I get the system disks? The original owner did not have/lost them. Can I get new system disks from SWF or do you recommend some other place? :)
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
After turn on the power switch press the "In-Out and Setting" button together
on the control panel.
You can version backup on new diskette.
you can use that diskette for install.
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
I can get to that menu, but when I try to do a back-up it says error 707 doc broken.
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
What is your e-mail ?
I will send the file copy. (Zip file)
Unzip on computer and save on the diskette.
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
Use the private message
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
I was able to install the operating system and get past the issue. Does anyone know what the all the factory setting area? X & Y, Satin etc? Still not right but dont know all the factory settings for each step of the set-up, does anyone have a list?
Model SWF/B-T601C
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
check the " Private Message"
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
Hi, My SWF had an error 808 i think it was, and now I need to install the program. Unfortunately the only disk I have doesn't seem to work.
Was wondering if you could send me the same software, to see if that works.
The machine is a SWF/B-UK1204-45
Any help would be appreciated.
Re: Power Error Menu - Help
Is it possible for you to send it to me too please?