By effluxcreations on
Aug. 04, 2011
United States
$4500 - Paid over $9000+
I desperately need to get rid of this stuff, Moving Soon!!!
Included is:
6 color - 4 station Press (one of the best on the market, with pin registration system)
Exposure Unit
Flash Dryer
Lots of Screens
Everything else you need - Palettes, Inks, Squeegees, Chemicals, Etc. Too much to list
Located in Seattle WA. Can ship, maybe Deliver if close enough.
Willing to separate individual pieces for sale. Let me know
There are 2 Comments
Re: ::: PRINTA 770 - 6-color/4 Press + MORE - CHEAP!! :::
what are the extras and can u send me some pitcher durandolls@HOTMAIL.COM
Re: ::: PRINTA 770 - 6-color/4 Press + MORE - CHEAP!! :::
i can offer 3000. if interested let me know?
:rolleyes: madixi38