Printing trade marks

If I use a comany trade mark on a tee shirt for a customer ( if someone asks me to print a FORD logo on the front of a tee shirt of a car shop ) do I have to get permission / or pay a copy right fee before to print it to stay legal ?

For the most part a customer that "specilizes" in one company or another and wants to incoporate the national trademark into their logo is accepitable. (If they only work on or sell FORDS).

A trademark changed at least 10% that isn't reconigized as the orginal trademark and is not being used to sell items as such, is acceptable as well. (a pepsi logo ...change the colors and add a different saying where pepsi is supposed to be written and put it on a shirt---not selling it as a PEPSI article.)

If your customer has purchased a license agreement to sell items you can print a shirt for them with the logos on it stating that they are authorized dealers of such.

Hope this helps out a little. I do have an article around here somewhere about legally printing. I'd be happy to dig it up if ya need it. (it was in the screen printing mag)