I have an annoying problem with thread colours and I can’t figure out why it’s happening. I use Husqvarna 3D for digitizing (started with it & am used to it), have the programme set for Madeira Thread, and have the PR600 (can’t get on with PE Design for digitizing). Anyway, I make my design in 3D choosing certain colour numbers and save it. When I view it, a couple of the thread colours have changed. Even when I bring it in to PE Design for writing to the card, and change the colours from Brother to Madeira and save again, when I view it, they’ve changed again. No idea if it’s me doing something wrong, or just a quirk of the programme/s. I like to print out the chart with picture of design to keep for reference. At the moment, I have to write down the specific colours I’m using. I’m doing 10 logos of the same character in different poses for someone and want to make sure I use all the same colours in future orders. Hope I’ve explained this well enough and would appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction.
Re: Question re thread colours
I get the same thing with designs in decoStudio1.5 It's the program that does this. If I get a design digitized and they send it in the wrong format, it changes all the colors. The only format that doesn't change is Tajima. I had a job sent to me in both Tajima and Toyota format (I use a Toyota), and the Tajima had the right colors while the Toyota had changed them to several different colors. I also use Madeira Thread.