Rare Single Phase 10 Color Gauntlet II

central, IA, United States

This one hard bird to find, Single Phase Power on a 10 Color AC Head Servo Index Gauntlet II. These are fast heavily constructed workhorse machines that are designed for millions & millions of prints.

I have not personally inspected this machine, however a 100% functionality warranty at set up is included and 90 parts exchange warranty after set up. I have been told a reputable independent technician the press is in very good operating condition.

This press has 3 million prints, is currently set up (in use) and your inspection is suggested. The press comes with (1) M&R QE in head Quartz Flash, 10- 16" squeegees and flood bars & 12- 16" x 22" Pallets. The press has Air Screen Locks, Pneumatic Squeegee Equalizers, Air Squeegee/Flood Bar Locks, Revolver Mode and Missed Shirt Detector. A second QE Quartz Flash is available with the press for $2,500 additional. Price is $39,500.00 skidded and loaded.

Seritech Inc.


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What year is this machine?

danlilsade wrote:
This one hard bird to find, Single Phase Power on a 10 Color AC Head Servo Index Gauntlet II. These are fast heavily constructed workhorse machines that are designed for millions & millions of prints.

I have not personally inspected this machine, however a 100% functionality warranty at set up is included and 90 parts exchange warranty after set up. I have been told a reputable independent technician the press is in very good operating condition.

This press has 3 million prints, is currently set up (in use) and your inspection is suggested. The press comes with (1) M&R QE in head Quartz Flash, 10- 16" squeegees and flood bars & 12- 16" x 22" Pallets. The press has Air Screen Locks, Pneumatic Squeegee Equalizers, Air Squeegee/Flood Bar Locks, Revolver Mode and Missed Shirt Detector. A second QE Quartz Flash is available with the press for $2,500 additional. Price is $39,500.00 skidded and loaded.

I have now personally inspected the machine and watched operate. This press is very tight with ZERO play in the carousel and all features fully operational. A couple of print choppers are sluggish (shown in the video), this is caused by a pair of SMC valves that need replaced, this will done prior to ship. This machine has the larger ball screw assembly, that is extremely reliable.

The attached photographs were taken by me last Thursday. In addition here is a link to a walk around video on YouTube that was also taken last Thursday: https://youtu.be/zi2K7TsBnxg

We are having the press professionally disassembled and prepared for shipping early this week, by a top west coast technician, it will be ready to ship by Friday the 6th of November. Prior to starting the dis-assembly it will completely checked out (the sluggish choppers will be repaired with new SMC valves) and completely tuned up for years of high speed production.

These Gauntlet II presses are super rugged, fast & reliable presses. These are some of the most robust small footprint machines (13'10" diameter) ever built. This is an extremely rare single phase unit that will work in nearly any location.

The press & flashes are warranted to be 100% at set up and for parts 90 days from delivery. Competitive leasing is available through a preferred independent company.

Seritech Inc.


I bought a press from Bill. I was told that it would not leak air by the time it was finished setup. press leaks from every single air fitting, multiple cylinders, multiple choppers, almost every single pneumatic switch is bad, had some bad valves...bill made an effort to send parts but the parts sent were rebuilt not new and who can afford to pay a technician to sit and replace all the parts necessary to make the machine a good functioning machine. I was then told that I bought a used machine and asked what I expected of it. Was also told that I am capable individual to sit and make the repairs myself. Parts warranty is a nice selling point but now i'm stuck spending my nights and weekends trying to fix the press I bought one fitting and one part at a time. each day it seems i encounter a new problem. My opinion is go for the inspection. Don't take anybody's word for it. I did and that was a big mistake...In my opinion if you can't inspect it yourself don't buy it.

I also can offer 220v Single Phase Quartz Flash Cures as a substitution for the M&R QE In- Head Quartz Flashes, these will be Triggered by a motion sensor (not interfaced with the press) and slightly slower (5 bulbs vs 9 bulbs) than the M&R three phase units this substitution would also allow a deduction of $1,000 per flash. These are on stands and would roll into the press like M&R Cayenne flash cures.

Seritech Inc.


If you are considering buying used equipment, go with Bill. I have bought several machines from him the past 3 years and every one works like a charm. He is always available to help, just a solid broker in an industry where honesty is a rarity. He has saved me thousands over the years and I won't go anywhere else.

This is AC heads & Servo index with Quartz Flash (es). Rotates either direction and uses single phase power, a perfect machine for strip center print shops or a home based shop. I have single phase 220 v IR flashes as a option ($1,000.00 credit off the price if substituted for the Quartz units).

Seritech Inc.
