Recieving & sorting of garments

I am trying to find a faster way to handle our daily recieving items from UPS, a daily scenario would play out as such.......

We have UPS come around 9:30am, take out all shirts for that order
and count them, then put back in boxes and brought up to either manual or auto
area, take them back out of the boxes, recount them and stack them.

Any quicker way that you happen to know of?

Thanks in advance,

It could take a day to answer you question intelligently. There are a number of variables that go into the answer. How big are your orders? How often do you order? Do you order extras? I think what is key is to understand why you are counting twice. Do you have a problem with the counts being off? If so, get to the root cause of that problem. In reality, you should be able to count the shipment in, put the shirts together you need for each order, put them in boxes or on racks and pull them when you are ready to print. We either put them in a box or fold them in half and put them on a rack.

When I do large orders, I order the exact quantity I need for that order and nothing else. Order comes in, I check it against the packing slip and the order sheet at the same time. We then place those shirts in a location until we are ready to print them. We don't need to count before printing. We do confirm the count when we are packing them for delivery.