You invested a lot of money in your laminator and it still may be in good operating shape. All it may need is a new set of rollers. Don't trade-in or scrap your existing laminator just because a set of new rollers from the manufacturer may be close to the cost of a new machine. Contact us for a fast, free quote on refurbishing your existing machines rollers.
J.J. Short Associates, Inc. recovers existing standard and heavy duty laminating rollers to customer specifications. Laminator rollers get cut, worn and slashed with knives and, after years of abuse, leave print marks on laminated prints.
On average, our prices are between less than 1/2 of the manufacturers' list price for a new roller.
Visit us on the web at or contact me at 315-986-3511 or
We also manufacture custom rubber parts and components and rubber rollers. If it's made from rubbe, contact us!
Re: Recoat Your Laminator Rollers
I need quote on a laminator roller recoat for a TCC 2700 27" .Please give me procedures etc. , regarding shipping instructions, address, and how to package.
Thanks Yours truly Daniel Taylor
Re: Recoat Your Laminator Rollers
Daniel--thanks for the email---If you could get me the OD of the roller with the rubber--the approximate thickness of the rubber (probably 1/8 to 1/4 thick) and the length of the rubber across the roller (probably close to 27") I can work up a wuote for you. Assuming just one roller but let me know if more.
If pricing looks good we can get you instructions on how and where to send. Turnaround time should be 1 week or less. THanks Peter