Returning business

First time here - trying to learn.
I had a sporting goods/apparel business about 12-15 years ago. At the time, I purchased all the apparel from distributors, and in some cases directly from manufacturers, and I outsourced all of my imprinting (embroidery, screen, transfer, etc.) to different local sources (Detroit metropolitan area). It was a small, low volume, business but I never had any issues with the printers. I have since been giving some thought to returning but most of my printing sources seem to have disappeared. My questions/concerns have to do with the fact that, now, it seems that any print source is also an apparel supplier. If I go to any of the one-stop shops for my embroidery, screening, etc., will I still be able to get wholesale pricing? Also, are there many small shops like me out there - ones that don't do their own imprinting? This would be a part-time business, and I was really looking forward to it but, if everyone has gone to a one-stop shop type of endeavor...would it really be worth my while?

Sorry for the long winded thread - looking for any help at all.


Greg hamrick's picture

Hi Mike,
There are tons of other shops out there just like the one you want to get back into. Also, most all of the shops you will want to use will give you wholesale prices because you can order garmets already done and they don't want to loose that business.
If you don't know how to do your own printing ect....and you want to support your locals, then buy your blanks and have them emblish the garmet.
If you can't find one or two to do that....then by all means...find a supplier that will do it all for you. You'll save some money. It might not be as snazzy as a local might make it...but it is done and profit can be made. You can also send them your own artwork and it will be just as, or better than snazzy.
I always say that it is best to find a local. For community support and they are handy to just run some thoughts through to get another opinon.
Good luck....hope it works out for you.


At the edge of dreams lay the far-flung ideals of true creation.

Thanks a million, Greg. I'm looking forward to giving it another go.