riccoh printer will not print help

I purchased a new ricoh printer the 3300x and I can not get it to print, I am using xp operating system, I have downloaded the power driver and the gel sprinter driver, I have the settings to use the power driver as the default printer, I have called tech support where I bought the printer but they seem too busy, can anyone help?

United States

Will it not print at all? As in, have you tried printing a test page from windows itself and is a no go?

Or does it not print from a specific application (e.g. Photoshop)

Assuming there isn't a physical hardware or connectivity issue, I am going to speculate that something in the profiles is a miss, as in a profile isn't correct, the printer knows it, and is "throwing out" the print job.

Unfortunately, without the support of someone who knows how these profiles should be set, you're kind of, in so many words .... screwed. I'm afriad I'm not much help, as ours was set-up by the vendor (Conde Systems) and we also run on Mac.

We have a Ricoh GX7000 and a Mimaki JV5 for large format, and they both use drastically different driver/profiles, so I'm sure its got something to do with that.

Just my 2 cents ... Sorry I wasn't more help.

Believe it or not, my Ricoh would not print either when I first set it up. I had the printer cable plugged in the ethernet port, not the usb port. Check that you do in fact have it plugged into the correct port.

Where did you buy the printer if it was Conde or Johnston Plastic both have great support I have the Richo GX7000 works great if your using Coral Draw have a look in the Object Manager and make sure the print in not deselected..hope this helps