Richmond Screen Maker SM 3000

Largo, FL, United States

We are upgrading our screen room with a new Wax DTS and exposure unit and need to sell our Richmond Screen Maker SM 3000. This unit is still active in our daily production of screens.

Price: $2350 OBO
Year: 2012
Shipping: Pick up at our Largo, FL facility preferred
Over all condition: Excellent
Bulb: Current bulb is 6 months old (comes with a spare bulb with 1 years use)
Blanket: Excellent condition (comes with a brand new spare blanket)
Glass: Excellent Condition
Max. Screen Size (O.D.): 32" x 43"
Electrical: 220v single phase
Weight: 500 lbs

The specs according to the manufacturer are:


The SM3000 series is loaded with features found on the larger more expensive models, it is sized and priced to offer a perfect solution for start ups and retail shops who want the benefits of a high quality, state-of-the art metal halide system at a price that fits their budget. This self contained ScreenMaker uses the technologically advanced Solarbeam Tri-Metal Halide Lamp that delivers perfectly focused light using a built-in, non-metallic reflector and prismatic lens that results in higher resolution screens with very sharp lines and solid half tone dots. The ScreenMaker offers automatic exposure control. Push the start button on the built-in light integrator and walk away - the vacuum, exposure and vacuum bleed are automatically microprocessor controlled and quality screen resolution is guaranteed!

Key Benefits

Focused 7000 & 10000 UVA Tri-Metal Halide Point Light Source
Fast and Automatic Complete Vacuum and Exposure Cycle
Light Integrator (Standard) Stores 30 Exposure Programs.
High Pressure Vacuum.
Textured, UV Inhibited Deep Draw Rubber Blanket with Pure Gum Elasticity.
High Output Instant Power Shuttered Lamps Produce Perfect Screens Fast.
Microprocessor Controlled Photocell Delivers Precise Exposure.
3/8" Optically Clear Float Glass.
High Gauge Welded Steel Construction.
FDA Approved Lamp-Safe Emissions & Safe to Handle withOUT Gloves.
Two Year Warranty.
Solarbeam Lamps Use Significantly Less Energy and Last Significantly Longer
than Traditional Metal Halide Bulbs Resulting in Significant Saving

Email or call 727-581-4066 and ask for Mike.

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