Roland CX24 Problem - Need Help

I have a Roland CX24 - turned it on this morning and "MOTOR VOLTAGE" message came up in window. Cannot use it as it will not initialise. Does anybody know what this means? Or does it mean it's broken!!!!

Appreciate any advise.

i also have the same problem but updating the driver wont help because the cutter wont turn on.

is there any other way to fix this?:(

jr_sanford's picture

Well, if it doesn't even turn on, then maybe it's some sort of power issue. :confused:
Contact the manufacture's website and see if they have a "troubleshooting" section.

J.R. Sanford
Production Manager
NW Awards
185 NW Chehalis AV
Chehalis, WA 98532
(shop) 360-748-7346
(cell) 360-880-6384

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And you shall be boundless!