Hello this was apart of a package deal I purchased from another shop with embroidery machines. I have no market for vinyl I've tried but our main focus is t-shirts and embroidery. I need to clear some room up before my auto arrives and due to space I need to sell. The model is the VG-540 with the lamination machine to do wide format. Ive mostly used it for banners once a month to pump it up. It is in good condition minus one of the caster wheels broke so we have a generic one on it. Any potential interest ill send you my cell phone number to send over model numbers and test prints. I have a ton of extra inks, two rolls of banner material and a roll of vinyl.
ASKING PRICE is 8500 for both. Priced to sell. Need to make space.
Also Have Geo Knight DK20S heat press for Sale $800
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Is this still available?