FOR SALE: 16 Used Over-Sized (18X28) Platens (Pallets) w/ M&R Style Brackets

Near Chicago, WI, United States

For Sale: 16 Over-Sized Platens (Pallets) w/ M&R Style Brackets

Construction: Honey-Comb Aluminum, 3/8" Thick
Size: 18" x 28"
Price: $95.00 EACH

Located: Near Chicago
Shipping: UPS Ground recommended

John Kundert
Janesville, WI

There are 21 Comments

anson578 wrote:
you say these ar honeycomb. my concern is these platens are not true and straight.
Please confirm the honeycomb and that these are in perfect condition

These are definitely TRUE and STRAIGHT.

They were bought at an ANATOL (the manufacturer) auction years ago. By the way, we bought hundreds and hundreds of these and other platens at that auction these are the last of this particular style and size.

Yes, they are of HONEYCOMB construction.

Other than minor scratches from being moved from place to place they are in like new condition, some might even say that for all practical purposes they are in PERFECT condition.