By logopr on
Jun. 25, 2009
United States
I am selling this unit with computer and software, 6000 truetype fonts, stock vector designs loaded in computer. The Roland CX-24 is a top quality cutter, capable of cutting different type of media up to 24" wide by any length. I upgraded to a larger cutter so this one needs to go. Asking $1600 or best offer. shipping is around $80 for everything via UPS ground continental US only. I take Paypal from verified address only or cash at pick up.
There is 1 Comment
Re: For Sale Roland CX-24 Camm-1 Vinyl cutter
Hi my name is Mike Taylor I'm from Newfoundland and I have the same vinyl cutter as you but I can't find my cd anymore is it possible for you to copy yours and send me a copy please I'll pay you for a copy and shipping my email is and my cell is 7095712637 thank-you