By Dawn on
May. 29, 2006
United States
I'm selling two embroidery machines. Melco single head embroidery machine model 375056-01 with a Tajima six needle sewing head. The single head comes with cabinetry. Melco four head emboidery machine model 000475-01 with Tajima six needle sewing heads. Also included are a training VHS tape, hoops, a perfect hooper, hat hoops, computer to run both machines at the same time, embrodery programs, Melco owners manual.
Please if you have any questions ask them. My husband need his garage space back.
Machines are in Michigan. Please e-mail questions to
There are 2 Comments
Re: For Sale Two Melco Embroidery Machines
We have decided to take the machines off the market at this time. Thank you for your interest.
Re: For Sale Two Melco Embroidery Machines
We have sold both machines. Thank you for all of you that inquired about them.