Screen Bleeding Question -- Please Help!

OK, we're just starting out and have been doing so much better than when we started but having a problem that we need some advice for.

I'm printing white onto red tees. The first time I print the screen is great -- very crisp image. I flash and then print again but this time on part of the image, the ink seems to "bleed" a light shadow of ink between the lines of one part of the image.

Any suggestions?

JuBilee's picture

Couple of things to keep in mind here.

1) Off contact. You need to make sure that there is sufficient off contact for the screen to release from the shirt but not so much that the screen really needs to stretch to get down.

2)Tighten the bolts?? You need to make sure that all the bolts and handles that hold the screen in place are tight. We have M&R Chameleon machines here with micro registration. If you leave a handle loose the screen can move (and will) if your aren't careful.

3)Flash time. You need to make sure that the bottom layer is dry to the touch. If it is still damp that can cause problems. When you come down for the second stroke, you will leave a ghost image on the screen that will print on every shirt you print afterwards. You also need to allow White ink to cool for a few seconds before applying the second stroke. This is what catches most folks (myself included) when they get started.

4)Platten adhesive. Flashing shirts deteriorates whatever adhesive you are using. Make sure that the spray tack or whatever you are using is still good and sticky. When you print a shirt without enough adhesive, it WILL move. If you have to flash and restroke it, then it's not in the same place anymore.

Most probably your problem is in #2, but it could be in any one of the above items. If you have any problems, let us know.

Matt McNeill

JuBilee Screen Printing
& Embroidery

Celebrating 20+ years in business!!!!!

If you have any questions, feel free to pm, email, or call me.:D