screen printing beer labels...

Please excuse my clumsiness...I am new here...
my question is this...has anyone screen printed a label to put on a bottle, beer or otherwise?
Another thought comes to my mind...has anyone pad printed a bottle, and if so...what did you do/use?
Thank you so much for any and all help..
Go Badgers and Cyclones!

Well .... Labels you wouldn't necessarily screen print. You can inkjet and cut them yourself if you have either a solvent based inkjet printer or printer/cutter in one. Roland makes some nice ones

If you have high enough volume, having them offset printed by a printer like flexcon would be FAR cheaper.

To screen print yourself direct to bottle, I would imagine the best case here would be some sort of specialty pad press. With an inverted cylinder pad.

Alternatively Kamman makes bottle screen printers but I would image being a Kamman the prices would easily top the $100,000 mark if not more. Kamman's are the Heidelberg/Mercedes benz of specialty printers, and unfortunately the ONLY ones I know of with a cylindrical press.

Hope that helps.

you can screen print the labels with vacuum pallets on a press but you would need to order or produce large volume to make this cost effective.

Screen printing is done everyday on bottles by the millions. There are semi-automatic presses that print about 600-800 perhour hand fed. Most are done with ceramic inks that are fired at high temperatures after printing, like Rolling Rock beer and the old Coke bottles for example. There are new UV curable inks for bottles that do not need the high temperature, only UV curing like Finlandia vodka bottles. Coffee mugs, cosmetic bottles, scientific glassware like flasks, etc. have all been printed for years with screens. Check Youtube for bottle printing to get an education.

Tony Pernicello Sr.
Technical Sales
CGS Sales & Service, LLC