Screen Printing Equipment

Atlanta Ga, GA, United States

M&R Economax 2 2004 Electric Dryer 220V 40 Amps 24 inches wide 8ft long Asking $5,000.00 (Email Me for pic's)
Workhorse Exposure Unit (Floor Model) 48"x33" Asking $2,500.00
National Table Top Electric Dryer 1995 24 inches wide 4ft long Asking$1,4500.00
Table Top Electric Dryer 1993 24 inches wide 4 ft long Asking $1250.00
IN Line Numbering Press Asking $2,950.00
2 Antec Flash units Asking $400.00
Capps 4 color 4 station 1999 Asking $1,250.00
Geo Knight Automatic (Air) Heat press 2002. Digital, air pedal,solid frame, and on wheels. Asking $4,500.00

Paul B

There are 9 Comments

Caps 4/4 sold, workhorse exposure unit sold, one flash sold, 4 ft national dryer sold.. Still for sale In line numbering press $2,650.00 Automatic Heat Press $4,250.00 Antec flash $200.00 Table top 4 ft dryer $1,000.00

I also have the best rates in the industry on shipping. Call me today and I can quote any equipment shipped any where in the US. Paul 678-602-1886