Screen Printing Equipment

Austin United States

1. Flash Dryer: BBC Flash Dryer - 18x24in, 240 Volts $585
2. Wash Booth $355
3. Exposure Unit: Ryonet RXP Aluminum UV Screen - 20x24in $300
4. Film Output Epson 1430 Blackmax Film Output Printer Package w/ AccuRIP (Includes Ditto Feeder, Film and Black Pearl AccuRip) $1,700
7. Spot Gun $85
8. Squeegees & Racks $75

1. AccuRip #2 (Second serial code License can be upgraded to Black Pearl for $149 from mfg) $300
2. Separation Studio Software Kit with Serial Code and Spot Process Ink Quarts (If Separate from above listed with Epson1430) $775

I can also accept credit cards for 3% fee

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