M & R 36"w x 12' long Radicure Dryer in mint condition. Has four radiant heating panels, not three. New belt, professionally maintained, very low hours. Outside of cabinet is exceptionally clean and looks brand new. Free of dust. We never have used any type of adhesive spray in our shop so equipment always looks new. We recently upgraded to a new dryer to accommodate two automatic presses. Dryer will accommodate a 6 color automatic press and a manual press no problem. Electric, not gas. Standard 220 volts. Asking $5,000.00
Qty. 80 - 18" x 20" MZX Newman Roller frames for manual screen printing. All less than 2 years old, some never used. Not a spec of ink, tape or emulsion on any of them. Most have 156 mesh on them and have the Newman Registration clips as well. Asking $20 per frame including registration clips
10 Screen Capacity National Dryer cabinet (All Metal Construction). Great condition, very clean, dries screens in 35 - 40 minutes. Standard 110 volts. Asking $250.00
George Knight 15" x 15" modular heat transfer press with extra attachments. 2 Years old, mint condition. Asking $500.00
Eco Pro Thermal Imaging system for film positives. Comes with 2 full rolls of brand new film, manuals, drivers, everything. Used very little. Asking $200.00
Graphtec 24" Vinyl Cutter. Great machine, not a single problem, great machine. Asking $500
1 Complete Printa Pad Printing System w/ exposure unit - All accessories, etc.
Asking $500
All equipment is in outstanding condition. Only reason we are selling is that we have made upgrades in all areas. All equipment is extremely clean and has been well maintained. Need to make room. Our loss is your gain. Please contact me if you would like to see photos. All equipment is located in Roseville, MN. Contact Brian at 651-398-5378 or at hoageeze@comcast.net for additional questions.
There are 6 Comments
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
Thanks for the mzx frames and dryer cabinet. Don't know if you have sold the dryer yet but if anyone is looking for a nice dryer contact this guy. I seen the dryer in person and it is like brand new
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
Hi you can send us photos of this products, plotter what model is? and all things please my email is
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
please send me pics of graphtech and other info to
tracertag@aol.com thanks
where are you located?
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
He is in Roseville MN email or call to see what he has left
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
We need some Photos send please xprezat@hotmail.com
Re: Screen Printing Equipment for Sale
did not get pics or info on graphtech
also need same on radicure