Shop 4 Sale

United States

Screen printing/Silk screening shop for sale. Hix 6 Color/6 Station Press.3 sets of boards. Jacket press. Also very nice 4color single station. Daltech Burning System. Hix 2410 Oven. Large Drafting table with built in light.2 Hot Flashes. Light table. 2 very nice aluminum racks with castors. Clothing stand. well over $3000 worth of ink. 50 -100 screens. Going back to school! Serious inquiries only. I can send full photos. Equipment located in Saskatoon, Sask, Canada. Will accept all reasonable offers!

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There are 2 Comments

Hey whats up,

I'm interested in what your selling, can you send me some pictures and prices. Would you be interested in peice selling some of your equipment?..
