Should I buy a broken machine?

Found an ad on Craigslist for a machine in my area. Since I'm new, I'm trying to keep my initial cost pretty low in the beginning. Would it be crazy to buy a machine that needs repair? We have a lot of repair shops in our area so I could get a couple of different quotes.

Here is the ad:
We have a Brother PR-620 that we would like to sell. We purchased the machine to use in a home business but an internal part was bent during shipping. There doesn't appear to be any external damage. The machine was used when we purchased it. We haven't had the time to have it repaired with everything going on and would like to sell it. I have a receipt with an estimate from the sewing store in Austin that estimates two parts and labor for a total of $958. They told us that if only one part was needed the cost could be significantly less. The estimate breaks out each part individually. We have become to busy with business and kids to take it back into Austin for repairs.

The problem is with the needle change assembly. The head gets caught on the internal part that is bent and won't change needles. We did get it to change needles several times and also sewed a design on it prior to taking it to get an estimate for repairs.

Comes with the standard hoops, 4x4, 5x7 and 8x12 and the very small one. I believe the price is reasonable considering older models are selling for much more than my asking price plus repairs.

What do you think?

I learned the hard way, If You can afford new, go that way, If not try buying used from a supplier. That way you get technical support and a warranty and training.

Wait a little, save some more money and get a new one. Buying used and especially broken stuff can be a total waste. you may think you are saving money but you are mistaken. Without the warranties these machines can be a total waste in the time of need.

What is the price? Does anyone know?

If you can "steal" this guy then maybe it's a deal. *shrug*

"you don't need a hook for the worms to dance."

Robert Young's picture

ha Gilligan.. that was funny... but the question is still a good one.. to buy a broken machine or not. I always suggest to buy the FIRST machine brand new.. then after learning how to mess it up and fix it under warranty you can do whatever you feel comfortable with on your next machine. Some may be mechanically inclined and be ok with fixing things themselves while others should prefer to wait for the maintenance person to repair or walk them through it.

Modern Embroidery Designer