Should I Buy???? Help!!!!

First Post....

I'm looking at a used Happy 1 head HCD 1501 as well as a 2 Head Happy HCR 1502. They are both used, not that old. They are asking $31,000, for both machines as well as all the thread they have as well as hoops and software. We have a small screenprinting shop and have never dealt with embroidery at all. Is this a good deal??? We know the people that had it before hand and they say they will help us set it up and get on our feet with it....but is a single head and a double worth that price or should we hold off and get a multi head machine?? I'd appreciate any and all feedback. Thanks!!!

United States

3 head for $31k?
You can get a brand new 4-head HAPPY for around that price and training. ( I know, we have 6 of them)

too expensive, dont get conned into buying a single head, its not worth it. id buy a 4 head and it doesnt have to be new, i have a 1990 tajima still runs like a champ, and a 2000 tajima still runs great. id buy a 1997 tajima, you can pick up a 95 tajima 4 head for 8k and theyre good machines.

A multihead machine would be a waste of money if you do not have the business for a multihead. You can get a brand new single head Barudan for around 15 or lower and that includes unlimited training. Unless you have the business to keep a multihead busy, start with a single head machine.