sign equipment for sale

city, IN, United States

sign equipment for sale

2010 Roland 8-color VersaCamm VS-640, print & contour cut,
print on paper and vinyl, make posters and vehicle wraps with
metallic & white.

2007 Summa S120 48” vinyl cutter, used to contour cut thicker plastics.
Loaded on dedicated computer municipal sign patterns and fonts for
official MUTCD signs.

2010 Highway Handyman HSRA hand squeeze roll applicator, 48”,
used for traffic sign work.

2011 GFP/Graphic Finishing Products Model 463TH 63”
top-heat pressure sensitive roll laminator.

2010 Stahls Hotronix Heat Press, for T-shirts.

Located USA

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Terry Mc Vittie
813-949-7397 Ph.

There are 2 Comments

2011 GFP/Graphic Finishing Products Model 463TH 63”
top-heat pressure sensitive roll laminator.

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