Sign shop closing / selling equipment

United States

Hello, We are currently closing our shop. We are/ were the FastSigns in Lithia Springs, GA....Also known as store 400 to those who know how FastSigns works. We are selling our equipment and it all needs to go. We would like to let everything go as a bundle but understand that in this economy we'll take what we can get. What we have for sale is.....

Colorspan 72uvr DisplayMaker

Runs well, I was finishing a project with it today. We've had it for a little over 4 years and bought it brand new. We have kept it up to date under the warranty we renew every year.

Gerber Edge II with Gerber envision plotter (with foils)

Graphtec Cutting Pro FC5100-75 30" plotter

Those are our 3 main pieces of equipment. We also have a grommet puncher, corner rounder and various small equipment sign finishing tools. All of it must go.

If interested feel free to contact me @ (770)948-5779 this week only from 10:00am - 4:00pm Eastern time

There are 4 Comments

How much for everything. I am mostly interested in the gerber and the graphtec. I also would not mind having a few extra tools around the shop. My # is 352-347-7446