By flyinneedle on
Feb. 02, 2013
Small lettering frustrations! I have been embroidering for more than 10 years and have yet to master small lettering. Using Pulse currently and I know to steer clear of fonts with serifs, but every time I try using existing fonts E's, N's, I's, M's, are always longer than the other letters and have to be adjusted. With all the things the software can do, why can't these issues be resolved....anybody else have issues!!
United States
Re: Small Lettering issues
I agree, manually hand punching is much better in quality than relying on the computer by typing it in. By hand punching it you can adjust for the ends pushing out on letters than having to edit it after the fact.
Re: Small Lettering issues
nope, have used WINGS for a couple of decades now and the Same thing happens on that software if you keyboard, so manually adjusting is always required.. we just prefer to handpunch.
Modern Embroidery Designer