Southside Atlanta commercial supply shop?

Does anyone know of a local Atlanta area shop that would carry commercial needles and big spools of embroidery thread? Maybe a big roll of stabilizer and a decent oil bottle thing? I just got a used machine and wanted to start off with new needles, but am pretty sure I can't get these things at Joann's. It's a Brother BAS-416a which uses pretty much all Tajima parts.

Please let me know who you guys use. I'm in Griffin which is an hour down I75 from Atlanta.

Thanks. I just went by there today and of course traffic was backed up through downtown. Those are some nice people. They earned my business (what little there is of it). It was really cool going into an embroidery store. I'm so used to something like joann's where there's nothing. I was like a kid in a candy store. And they're cheap too. VERY cheap.

I live in stockbridge. Order thread from Enmart they are in lawrenceville area. Have needles also. Great service. Order in the morning and have next day. Where on the southside are you located?

themartaman wrote:
I live in stockbridge. Order thread from Enmart they are in lawrenceville area. Have needles also. Great service. Order in the morning and have next day. Where on the southside are you located?

Thank you for that! I was just going to mention we have the Lawrenceville facility, but I see you beat me to it. :D

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies

drdoct wrote:
Do y'all call them or order online?

Not sure if you were referring to EnMart, but you can do either. The website is You can also contact us at 866-516-1300. We generally ask that you give us a couple hours once your order is placed to pack and ship. There are also certain items that we sell that may not be stocked in GA, so please be aware of that.

Embroidery and Sublimation Supplies