Spot Gun Wanted

Charlotte, NC, United States

I'm in need of a spot removal gun for plastisol. I have one that broke, is there a place I could send it to be repaired? If not, if you have one that you'd like to sell please PM me. Thanks!

There are 3 Comments

Sulp's picture

No one is gonna repair it. They will just tell you to trash it and buy a new one...Which is what you should do.

ALBATROSS use to repair them , there packing slip the back was a part list you might want to try them but like Sulp said your probably better off trashing it. with shipping 2 ways and repairs it probably cost more than a cheap gun.

Xenon Products in NY sells them cheap i am guessing aprox $70 and there not bad at all units.

I've got one that's new that ill take $50 for. Its had fluid in it once to test it after we bought another shop out and it's been sitting since. I'm in nc as well.