spray on coating to sublimate on cotton

Hi. I have a job where I need to sublimate on infant clothing. Typically infant clothing is 100% cotton - not a whole lot out there for sublimating. I found a company in Florida that offers a coating (called "Goose Juice") you spray on any fabric which would make sublimation, even on 100% cotton possible. He assured me that this coating would be safe for infants. I'm wondering, has anyone out there ever tried this product or something similar? Does it reallly work? Is there any washout? Any other ideas???
Thanks -

Before you do "ANYTHING AT ALL" for any child under the age of 13 and "ESPECIALLY" infants be sure that you "COMPLY 100% WITH THE CPSIA AS SET FORTH BY THE CPSC"!!!

You will need written documentation that your end product is 100% in compliance with lead and phthalate testing as required and that you permanently mark/label the product with contact information for your business, address, name, phone number or other contact information!

If you do not comply you can be up the proverbial creek without a paddle but looking at very heavy fines and possible prison time.

Be careful with this!!!

Label information: http://www.pimn.org/about/CPSIATrackingLabels0709.htm

CPSIA Link: http://www.pimn.org/about/CPSIATrackingLabels0709.htm :eek: :eek: :eek:

I have tried one that was just called 50/50 spray. It is very hard to get just the right amount of spray on the shirt. Too much and it gets a hard feeling like a transfer, although is does soften when washed. Too little and the dye sub ink doesn't adhere well. The one that had too much spray seemed to do fine the one time I washed it.


I have tried the goose juice and the 50/50 poly trans spray. Both do what they claim but the results are not great, nothing I would sell anyway. The prints are not as vibrant as standard dye sub printing and if you do not get the correct amount of the product on the shirt you will have really terrible prints. I use it because to me it resembles those washed out vintage prints that many are wearing so it works great for the look I want but if you are looking for great prints with vibrant color, I would go with regular dye sub printing.


We are a well-known Polish producer of articles for printing. We offer a wide range of range for printing. The first department of our production are heating presses for sublimation transfer. For several years we developing chemical production. After cleaning fluid for sublimation ink, ink for direct printing on textile, we start to work on special lacquer for sublimation. After years of research and testing we are proud to offer our new product - SUBLI-PRIME. First, fully water based lacquer for sublimation process.
We do not use heavy solvant like xylen, etc, used in other lacquer for sublimation. Ours solvant is water! Lacquer do not need any UV curing lamp, do not need any pre heating process. Lacquer do not need any hardener, or two component.
With ours lacquer is possible to prepare own substract and media for sublimation. Puzzle, ceramic, glass, etc, can be prepared from raw materials, avoiding expensive purchases of ready media for sublimation. Prepare yours own media, in very attractive price (min. 200% cheaper that ready) when You want and when You need. Start to print on wood, metal, marble, mirror, etc. Using Your imagination!

Mainly information about lacquer:

1. Working on almost every substract (glass, carton, stone, paper, marble,
ceramic, metal, wood, brix, etc), with speciall version for cotton (this
will be in january),
2. Fully transparent, gloss (also possible to make matt or satin version),
3. Not yellowishing on high temperature,
4. Colour after transfer are sharp, vivid, we can say that even better with
lacquer that without,
5. Water based, so not dangerouse for health and enviroment
6. Not flammable
7. Without bad odour
8. Giving also extra protection on UV (we can do also better version for UV
resistant), printout are longer in good condition
9. Scratch resistant and adhesion in good level (depending on media)
10. Do not need a lot of experience, with perfect flowing parameters You can
obtain good, shiny resultat, without and defect
11. Not need heavy investment on tools, vacum, etc.
12. Easy to use with paitn brush, roll, sponage, air gun, etc.
13. Do not need any UV curing
14. Do not need any hardener, like second component
15. Do not need to use oven like preheating process - simply after drying is
ready to use.
16. With certificate of National Institute of Hygiene
17 Good also for small bussines and end-user, it easy to work and do not
need investment, cost, etc.
18. For speciall order we can do also version water proof, and dust
reppelent, anti dirty - printout will be longer clean outside,and to is just

DebbieC wrote:
Hi. I have a job where I need to sublimate on infant clothing. Typically infant clothing is 100% cotton - not a whole lot out there for sublimating. I found a company in Florida that offers a coating (called "Goose Juice") you spray on any fabric which would make sublimation, even on 100% cotton possible. He assured me that this coating would be safe for infants. I'm wondering, has anyone out there ever tried this product or something similar? Does it reallly work? Is there any washout? Any other ideas???
Thanks -

Hello Debbie,

I just developed 100% cotton sublimation material. which come in rolls.. Let me know if you are still looking for 100% cotton fabric. 714-316-6154

DebbieC wrote:
Hi. I have a job where I need to sublimate on infant clothing. Typically infant clothing is 100% cotton - not a whole lot out there for sublimating. I found a company in Florida that offers a coating (called "Goose Juice") you spray on any fabric which would make sublimation, even on 100% cotton possible. He assured me that this coating would be safe for infants. I'm wondering, has anyone out there ever tried this product or something similar? Does it reallly work? Is there any washout? Any other ideas???
Thanks -

Sublimation coating is not relay necessary. We have a different system that work on principle of local impregnation. Just where you want you image to be sublimated If you are interested just send us your design by E mail. We will send you back the sample paper printed with your design. And try by your self how this technology works

or take a look at
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