SWF 4 Head, 15 Needle- 2019, SWF/K-UH1504-45

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OH, United States

SWF 4 Head, 15 Needle- 2019, SWF/K-UH1504-45

Hoops: 8 each of 12, 15 & 18 cm round hoops. 12” square & 17” rectangle hoops and cap frames.

Small tool box with lots of miscellaneous tools and replacement parts. Hoop Master 12 & 15 cm hoop frames. Large Appliqué Board.

Located in OH…..WAS….$26,000.00 NOW $23,900.00


Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton

Our website is ready with equipment for sale, We can list equipment you have for sale. http://thorntonequipment.com/

New and Used Screen Printing/Printers/Dryers/Computer to Screen/Direct to Film/Heat Presses/Folders/Graphic/Quartz Flashes & Embroidery Equipment

Let us know what your equipment needs are. We can send you our Monthly Equipment List-email us at thorntonec@charter.net

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Thornton Equipment Co.
David Thornton

Our website is ready with equipment for sale, We can list equipment you have for sale. http://thorntonequipment.com/

New and Used Screen Printing/Printers/Dryers/Computer to Screen/Direct to Film/Heat Presses/Folders/Graphic/Quartz Flashes & Embroidery Equipment

Let us know what your equipment needs are. We can send you our Monthly Equipment List-email us at thorntonec@charter.net