t-jet 2 jumbo for sale or trade

United States

I purchased this unit with being told by the owner that its only problem was the printed head. Well............ after many hours of work and several hundereds of dollars later I now am confident that the only problem with the printer is the print head. I worked with two techs and I have 20 years of experience working on inkjet and laser printers so I am really confident that the only problem now is the print head.

With that being said this printer is alot larger than what I had anticipated and it just takes up to much realestate in my shop and I need it gone. I am entertaining any offers on the printer and need it out of my shop.

It comes with all the platens and extra ink for every color and about a gallon each of the 3 pretreaters. and a box of transfer press papers.

If you would like to make an offer email me and we can talk. I really want this printer out of my shop and am willing to take a loss just to get it out.

I am alos enteretaining any trade offers.

tom reznicek

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