Tajima embroidery machine for sale

United States

Hello ever one!

I have tajima embroidery machine 2006 for sale its 8 heads 15 Colours computerized it does the front and the back of hats with the accessories in qa very very good price

There are 4 Comments


Dear Sirs,

We are seriously looking the following used / second hand machine for our customers:

Used Embroidery Machines: min. 15 head , 9 to 12 color.

Or send me your stock list with price. & let me select the machine.

Your kind offer & Cooperation very much appreciated.

Best regards,

Monzur Raihan

Inter Parts International
Machine Tech International
-----------Your Textile Machine Partner ------------

31 B.B. Avenue, Zirat Chamber, 3rd. Floor, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh.
Phine: 88 02 7160806, 9571538, Fax: 88 02 7160806 ,

Hi Rudra,

I appreciate your interest in my machine, I just have this machine now which is fantastic machine 2006 tajima 8 heads 15 Colours and it can do every thing in hats front and back its computerized that can memorize thousands of drawings.

This machine is brand new its located in montreal Canada and the price is $30000USD

If you are interested please contact me on my email ziad_f74@hotmail.com

Please see the attached pictures for the machine

Thank you

I am interested in your machine. Please tell me more. How about attachments? Can you send me your phone # so I can call you to discuss it?



HatGuy wrote:
I am interested in your machine. Please tell me more. How about attachments? Can you send me your phone # so I can call you to discuss it?




My machine is 2006 8 heads 15 colours( needels) its perfect for the hats because it can do the front the back and every thing please see the attachments if you are serious it is in montreal and you can reach me at this number 514- 677-7587
I am waiting for your call

Thank you,