Tajima Main Shaft Motor Control Box "E2" error please help

Hello everyone, im in desperate need of help. I'm currently working with 2 tajimas TMD-DC912 year 1994. Both of them connected indepently to their own meter, but only working on 2 fases; i use a transformer to turn the 2 fase into a third one. Both machines had been working perfectly for the last six years. It wasnt till 2 months ago that i started gettin an "E2" error code on the main shaft control box. Not long after i had the place rewired and a new substation installed just for the machines. however i still get the "E2" error. the machine will sometimes start after a few attempts. sometimes it wont start at all. It turns on, but i get a 316 error on my control panel thus the "E2" error. Fuses have been checked as well as the IMM card and the Djoint-11 Card and none are defective. Does anyone have an idea of what it could be? please help

You'll have to check the voltage.

If memory serves me correct E2 is a motor drive error.

316 I believe is an irregular volatage error, It sounds like you have an electrical issue, I ran into this years ago when I was in an older building, one without 3P electrical service. Sometimes the converters do funny things and it throws things off.

I hate to say it but I think your best bet is going to be to call a tech.