By pkor on
Apr. 08, 2011
I have a Tajima TMEX c-1201 that after a short storage will not boot up.
The only thing I can get it to do with the buttons is to re-load the system software from disk.
I cannot find the system software disk.
Does anyone have or know where I can get/download the system software.
I would like to try to reload the machine and hope I do not have to send the board out to be repaired.
Re: Tajima system software disk?
I finally got the system software re-loaded. Hirsch e-mailed me the file. Then I had to play around formatting a 1.44 mb disk as a 720k disk by taping the hole shut and formatting it in Dos. Thanks for everyone's time and help.
Re: Tajima system software disk?
call hirsch, they will provide you the latest update. I had the same issue and they helped me.
Re: Tajima system software disk?
Hey how did you obtain the software for your embroidery machinne? because I need the sofware for the Tajima TMM-HC606