Tajima TMFX

Hello Im new here and im from quebec , my english is not very good but im gonna try to explain whats my problem. I have a tajima tfmx 4 heads and last day my machine show me the error 3D6 and i installed a new version of softwear now my machin works fine but i have a another problem whit the display :s Here is a video unikbroderie.com/Test.mp4 Did i nees change my display or cpu ? My machin works fine Pls i need help beacaus i cant work Thanks


This is the guide for you to fix this problem:
- Replace the old battery with the new one.
- Then, install software again of this machine.
This is me email: embvn@mail.com
if you don't know how to install the software, i will send you the guide and system file.
I do repair service for Tajima machine in VIET NAM.

try to clean with contact spray and compress air the cable connectors between CPU and display.(inside the panel)
maybe is necessary to change the CPU battery.
must have 3 Volts

I know that battery is finish but i order new one ..

But im afraid thats my cpu is the problem and here were i live thats no body to repair and i need to work .

If its only the battery or display to change its ok but no cpu :s

CPU card is very expensive.
maybe you are luky and changing the battery and cleaning the connectors to solve the problem.
to fix the card try plrelectropnics.com


I sended a email to this company.

But i dont think that my cpu is the problem , beacus evrything work fine its only my control panel who is the problem ... im gonna try to clean it and changing the battery ...

Thank you very much for your answer. My problem is fixed. I'll keep your email note if I have other problem in the future.

thank you very much