Tajima tmfx upgrade to USB


Want to upgrade Tajima tmfx 1992 year 904 machine.

Machine is the first model with green embroidery heads but newer control panel like as my 2002 year tfhx 1204 model has.

Can anyone help where to buy USB reader and how to connect it?

Thank You

SunEmbroidery's picture

How does it receive data now? I upgraded an original Neo (2002) recently. I purchased a reader from Pinpoint International https://www.pinpointinternational.com. It plugged right in to the plug that the floppy drive used. It works well but I can only load one design at a time and there can only be one design on the 2G thumb drive. I need to format the thumb before adding each new design. I'm supposed to be able to keep a few designs on the thumb according to Pinpoint but possibly the thumbs I have are too cheap or I need to upgrade the machine's software? So its a bit more work but the machine is still running so that's the important thing.