Tajima TMFXII-C1204 4 Head 12 color machine

United States

TMFXII-C1204 4 Head 12 color Machine (I think the year is a 1999). This was our original first machine and has been a trooper. Runs great. Maintenance has been kept up its entire life. Run out of room for this machine since we added a new 12 head. Used prices are ranging from $16,999 to $21,995. Will sacrifice for $14,000.

I am also selling a 2001 Tajima TMEX-C1501 Single Head 15 color Machine. We bought this machine new and has been taken very good care of. Has only been used as a sampling machine. Tajima is the best machine on the market. Comes with an assortment of flat hoops and hat hoops. Most this age are selling for $8,500. I will sell for $6,400. Located in St. George, Utah about 90 minutes North of Las Vegas on I-80.

I have pics if needed. Please email with any quesitions or call (435) 817-5506.[B][/B]

I will trade both machines for a T-Jet Blazer Pro

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