TAS 10/12 Automatic Press - Pacific NW

United States

Excellent Condition: TAS "205RA/387" 10/12 Pneumatic ~ print 18” stroke 24”

Originally built and shipped to Toronto in 2000. Our shop does mostly short-run work and we just are not using this press.

Have original spiral bound Touch Panel Controller User Guide in addition to Cad/Schematic Work Book. Nothing has been overlooked. In great condition, very clean and always well-maintained.
- All-Head Central Off Contact.
- Skip-Print foot actuator
- 2 sets of flood bars and squeegees
- 2 flashes
- Extra pallet clamps & additional parts.

It has over 2,695,000 impressions, but on a machine like this, it's just warming up . . . as long as it's well maintained could run forever. Feel free to contact TAS for service records.

$20,500 / offer. Shipping and crating expenses responsibility of purchaser; we can put you in touch with our local tech to arrange this part if you like.
Call 503.781.7918 or email for more info.

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